Thursday, October 2, 2014

4 Beautiful Flowers but Poisonous

poisonous flower
image illustration: Think Stock Photos

Interesting - If you meet these flowers, you have to leave it alone, do not have to smell it let alone pick. Although it looks very pretty, these flowers have a poison, most toxins contained in them can even make a person lose their life. Let us get acquainted with the pretty ones this toxic, reported by List Dose:

1. Milkweeds

The color may be purple and cute, but Asclepias milkweed or contain toxins that can cause death. The flower shape is petite and sap contains alkaloids and cardenoloid often as a medicine. Of course the use of latex should not be arbitrary, because if any of it can be toxic.

Flowers pattern milkweed have toxins as a defense against caterpillars, and the animals that can damage the fruit. If someone accidentally put poison into their body milkweeds, then it is likely that will happen is dermatitis light up can cause death. One day, the South America and Africa wear this flower sap as poison arrows at the end when the archery game.'

2. Ranunculus

Glimpse of this beautiful flower like a rose, but not Ranunculus family rose, it was knows as buttercup, spearworts and other names. Ranunculus have many colors, ranging from red, orange, yellow, and white. Because of its beauty, ranunculus flowers are often used as an ornamental, but must be strict supervision, because these flowers also contain a deadly poison for animals and humans

With its beauty, ranunculus turned out to save the dangerous toxins. If any animal or people that reckless eating this flower, there will be symptoms of gastrointestinal damage caused by poison. Diarrhea with blood, excess salivation, severe abdominal pain and damage to the mucous membranes of the digestive system are the symptoms of poisoning ranunculus. In some cases, death becomes the worst effects of this beautiful flower.

3. Nerium Oleander
Nerium Oleander

This beautiful red colored flowers Nerium Oleander named. ALmost in all the flowers contain toxins, particularly the sap. These plants often bloom in May. Nerium Oleander even mentioned as the official flower of Hiroshima as the first flower that blooms after the atomic bomb explosion in 1945 destroyed the town.

With a history that is quite a sad story, this flower contains a deadly poison. Nerium Oleander toxins included in the category of oleandrin and neriine. If someone swallows poison compounds from Nerium Oleander, the poison will work to cause cardiac glycosides, dermatitis and death.

4. Opium

Since long, opium became a plant known as a hero. This plant can grow in a variety of areas and are almost in all the world. In the world of medicine, also known as the opium poppy is a flower that contain toxic alkaloids. Opium has long taken the sap for medicinal purpose. Morphine and alkaloids in it often causes hallucinations like drug consumption.

Although known as a plant that could serve as a drug, opium is still poison if used constantly can cause dependence. Large doses of opium can cause poisoning, even smell fumes alone make a person hallucinate to death. Acute respiratory problems, coma, cardiac arrest and broken lungs are the side effect of opium that can cause person's death.

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