Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Perena Kai, Nominated as Most Rich Universe Young Woman by Forbes

Perena Kai
Perena Kai (photo: Forbes)
Inspiring - Forbes has just released a list of the richest people in the world. From the list, there are is a young woman age 24 entered in it. The woman was named Perena Kai. She has been named the world's youngest rich woman.

In addition, she shifted the former founder of Facebook, Dustin Moskovitz. Kai itself has a wealth of up to $US 1.3 billion. Beautiful looking woman who studied at the University of London is now settled in Hong Kong.

"Perena Kai newcomer on the list of the richest people in the world. He took over from former Facebook founder, Dustin Moskovitz as the youngest rich people in the world," as reported by Forbes.

Kai wealth derived from her father owned a business carried on by him that Logan Property Holdings. Kai's father, Ji Haiping is one of Chinese tycoons. "The entry of Kai in the list of richest people in line with the company's entry Fores Logan Property Holdings in Hong Kong shares," he explained.

Hong Kong home to 7 million people, has 45 richest people in the list of Forbes in 2014. Hong Kong itself is a favorite tourist destination and an attractive location for business or investment like property.

Rich people are popping up in China also chose to stay and settle in Hong Kong. Logan Property itself is a Chinese property developer who located near the border with Hong Kong, Shenzhen province.

In December 2013 ago, the Logan Property into the stock market. The company is able to rake in fresh capital of HK$ 1.6 billion or US$ 206 million of capital markets. Forbes calls, Kai has 85 percent stake in the property company through a company he owned.

Kai started her career as a regular employee in Logan Property. Until she entered the list of the richest young woman in the world by Forbes.

Hopefully the story of Kai Perena the lesson thaw we can take to achieve success takes hard work, never surrender, and never shy to try new things. See also: Carlos Slim: In Future Work 3 days a Week Enough.

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