Wednesday, December 3, 2014

5 This Substance Increasingly Aggravating Your Dry Skin

dry skin
dry skin (photo: rasalonspa)
Beauty - Not only looks ugly, dry skin can also make you uncomfortable. Therefore, there are some ingredients that you should avoid in other that dry skin condition is not getting worse. Here are some of these substances, as reported Women Health Mag.

1. Retinoids
This substances is very likely contained in the products anti-acne, wrinkles, and other skin problems drugs. But this substances may be bad no dry your skin. In dry skin, retinoids can cause various irritations.

2. Fragrance and Preservatives
This substance is a major cause of allergies in your skin. Twice, this substance can cause irritation and also aggravate dry skin. But avoid this substance in your skin care products.

3. Benzoyl Peroxide
This material is also often used treat acne. However, this substance can create scaly skin, itching, irritation and redness.

4. Salicylic acid
Salicylic acid is used so soften the skin and remove dead skin cells Avoid applying it to the skin dry as it can lead to damaged skin. Should consult with a dermatologist for long-term use.

5. Alcohol
Many cosmetic products that contain alcohol, including toner. Alcohol is also contained in the lotions and gels. Because volatile, alcohol also makes it easy to dry skin.

In addition to preventing the ingredients cause dry skin, you should also regularly moisten with a moisturizer that suits your skin condition.

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