Sunday, November 23, 2014

Foods That Can Make You Addicted

tasty food
tasty foods (photo: flickr)
Nutrition - Food is a basic human need. You also need to eat foods that are not only delicious, but also rich in benefits. However, there are also foods that can keep you hooked and want to continue to eat them feel. As reported by The Daily Meal, following a number of foods that can make you addicted.

1. Pasta and Bread
Carbohydrate foods such as pasta and bread gives a sense of opium, and stimulate the same pleasure as cocaine and heroin.

2. Salty Foods
Salty is one of the basic tastes that can be tasted. Salty taste is good, and while you eat a delicious foods that can trigger pleasure in the center of the brain. There is no reason to sop eating something that makes you feel comfortable.

3. Chocolate
Chocolate brings serotonin in the bloodstream, which can make you so happy, and elevate mood and even sexual desire. Many women who want chocolate once a month because there is the influence of hormonal.

4. Potato
Potatoes in general has a salty taste. You can not eat potatoes in small quantities, because there is a bad taste makes you still want to eat potatoes.

5. Gum
Chewing gum is not only to maintain fresh breath. Some people are addicted to chewing gum, especially the sweet. This is similar to the nail biting habit that is difficult to stop. Repetitive activities can be compulsive from time to time.

6. Sugar
When sugar enters the bloodstream, serotonin is released and stimulates the pleasure centers of the brain that cause. While the pancreas releases insulin which converts sugar into energy. Not only provide a high sugar content, but insulin also causes the body to store more fat.

7. Cheese
Cheese is definitely tasty, but it's not all that compelling. A study in 1981 found that milk contains smaller amounts of morphine, is likely to help bond with her baby. And is also present in cheese. Casein, a protein found in cheese, also contains a mild opiate.

8. Junk Food
The fat content also affect the brain's pleasure center. When combined with salt, everything becomes complete.

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