Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Wow, Drugs are Legal in these 5 Countries

stop drugs
image: getty images
World - When talking about drugs, it is clear in your mind is about drugs that are illegally used in many countries in the world. But apparently there're countries that actually legalize the use of drugs for its citizens. The have laws that provide for people to use drugs, even marijuana was sold by the government. They think that by legalizing citizens taking the drug, the rate of crime, illicit trafficking, and the death rate is going down. But it actually could have the opposite effect. As performed by the following these 5 countries.

These 5 countries that legalize drugs to its citizens.

1. Netherlands
Precisely in Amsterdam. Dutch capital's most well-know drug tourism in the world. Purchase a small amount of marijuana at the cafe is perfectly legal there. But in Amsterdam prohibited farmers supplying or importing marijuana into the cafe.

Laws regulates the purchase and sale of marijuana to a number of regulations. But still there is the freedom for people to buy other drugs at some stores there. Even law enforcement officials will alow the public to wear the item in the cafe.

2. Portugal
Portugal entered in 5 countries which legalize drugs. But in fact Portugal was the first European country decriminalization of drugs. Drugs use in this country is often seen as a public health issue, challenges the view that drug use is a criminal act. It was the same with the view that dominates in the United States.

For those who are addicted will be directed to rehab rather than have languished in jail. Decriminalization of drugs actually able to reduce drugs use and death from overdose.

3. Czech Republic
Czech Republic has some of the natural beauty and splendor. But the country was also a number of laws that are not tight to the problem of drugs. Possession and sale of drugs in this country is still legal. If for example you were caught, you won't get more than a slap penalties.

4. Mexico
Although Mexico has been a country that has the most free legal policy in the world for drug use, but still, it is considered to be very misleading. In 2009, psychotropic drugs including heroin, LSD, and cocaine legalized in Mexico This happens because too many black market in the country so a lot of the high crime rate that cause the damage, death an moral decay of society.

5. Uruguay
The country is actually never banned and imprison anyone who is shown to have or use drugs and heroin. But in 2012, the government began selling marijuana alone, mostly to combat cartels today that hit Central and South America.

Although the government acknowledged for the decriminalization of marijuana, not many countries who follow they regulation. Uruguayan government hopes other countries join to use this regulation to reduce the death rate and the fight against drugs with something conditional freedom. (Merdeka)

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