Saturday, December 13, 2014

5 Foods That Can Increase the Number of Breastfeeding

moms are breastfeeding
moms are breastfeeding (photo: Paho)
Nutrition - Mother's Milk (ASI) is a nutrient that should be given to the baby by the mother. Minimal breastfeeding to infants is for two years. Thus, the baby will grow well. In addition, for he health of the mother after delivery, adequate nutrition is also needed because the baby will affect the quality and quantity of breast milk.

Well, there're several factors that can affect the quality of your breast milk, one of which is a factor of the food eaten by the mother. Therefore, in order that to get the quality and quantity of good mother's milk, you as the mother should pay attention to the food that you eat.

The following are foods that can increase the amount of milk that we have outlined:

1. Eggs
Eggs contain protein which is very nice as builder substance. In addition, eggs are the perfect combination of fats and proteins necessary in diet healthy women after childbirth. Eggs can help keep your body strong and good for baby's brain development.

2. Salmon
Salmon is already well know in omega 3 which is very good for human health, especially for heart health. Therefore, for the mother is recommended to eat salmon after giving birth, in order to maintain the quality and quantity of breast milk.

3. Low-fat milk product
Some low-fat dairy products such as yogurt, milk, or cheese can make more milk production. These foods also contain protein, vitamin B, and vitamin D as well as the beast source of calcium which can help the baby's development and bone growth.

4. Beef
The beef is very rich in protein, iron, and vitamin B12. These nutrients very well to restore energy after childbirth. In addition, beef can also improve the quality of your breast milk,

5. Nuts
Just like beef and eggs, beans are also rich in protein, especially black beans and kidney beans are rich in iron and contains a lot of vegetable protein is very beneficial to increase milk production.

That some of the foods that you can consume after giving birth. Remember, during the two years of the baby better fed breast milk from the mother, rather than formula-fed. Good luck!

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