Thursday, February 19, 2015

How to Maintain a Healthy Brain That May Not Know

over thinking
over thinking (photo: istock) 
Health - As it is know that the brain is one of the vital organs. There are a lot of nerves on the brain that affect a human. However, many people are unwittingly doing things that are not good or brain damage one of them smoke. Then, how to maintain a healthy brain?

The brain is very important for humans because the brain's performance affects every things and do one's thought. Therefore, brain health must be considered and carefully maintained so that brain function can work well too.

Some things you can do to maintain the health of the brain, for example:

1. Quit smoking
Many studies claim that in cigarettes are harmful contents in the brain, especially in cognitive functions such as making senile, difficult to learn new things to be able to express things less logical while talking with other.

2. Drinking hot chocolate
Flavonoid contained in the hot chocolate is very good for blood circulation and oxygen supply to the brain. A study has also found that the mind will become clearer during the day when someone drinking hot chocolate in the morning. And do not forget, the content will be higher antioxidant that the darker the color of hot chocolate.

Besides drinking hot chocolate, do the headstand can also improve blood circulation and oxygen supple to the brain. If you can not do a headstand, invite people closest to you to help or follow a yoga class. Not only to improve brain function, headstand can also reduce stress and overcome insomnia. Do it everyday for 10 minutes.

3. Reduce snacking activities
Do not often eat snack because it causes obesity. Obesity due to overeating triggers brain arteries harden and decrease mental and brain function.

Well, now do the above and invite people nearby to maintain brain health. Hopefully useful!

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