Friday, December 12, 2014

5 Traits of Women Know How She Seat

women are sitting
women are sitting (photo: shutterstock)
Interesting - There are many ways to determine the nature of a person. One of them is to see how the seat. We only need to analyze further on the little things that happen around us.

Following a review of the five female nature seen from the way she took her seat:

1. Bit feet moor
Women who sit with your feet like this is the type of woman who is very alert to strangers, so she will be careful. Easy not familiar with because she had to earn she trust first.

2. Second crossed
These women tend to be indifferent to what happens around her. She prefers to hang out with people that one type, which is simple, honest, and open-minded person.

3. Both ankle crossed
Woman sitting with ankles crossed very cautious towards others. She also hate people who talk carelessly. She likes the person being polite and sincere.

4. Both heel legs wide open
These women know the difference among good and her attitude toward people who are not good. If you meet people who liked, she did not make its shortcomings. When you meet people who are hated, however she could not speak good things about the people who hated it.

5. Boot feet moor, slightly bent to the left or to the right
Women who sit with a position like this tend to have a strong sense of pride about themselves. She most like to be praised, both her beauty and elegance. She was also very concerned about manners.

That's an easy way to know the personality of a woman from her seat way. You just see how women seat, then you can conclude how the actual nature of the women. How, is not it?

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