Monday, December 8, 2014

5 Benefits Eat Banana for Health

banana is very benefit for health (photo: Wikipedia)
Nutrition - In addition to papaya, banana is the most consumed fruit in around of the world. Unique texture coupled with sticky sweet taste makes it favored by many people. There are so many health benefits you can get from eating a banana. Reporting from Bold Sky, the following is a benefit, such as.

1. Give an injection of energy
Did you know that the banana is a fruit commonly consumed by athletes? Because bananas are able to give an injection of energy to make sugar as energy.

2. Provides electrolytes
If you're suffering from diarrhea, you can eat banana. Because, banana is rich in electrolytes were able to restore electrolytes lost due to diarrhea.

3. Useful as a natural antacid
Antacids naturally very important to prevent heartburn. So if you suffer from heartburn, multiply eat bananas.

4. Healthy Digestion
Banana is a fruit super healthy for digestion. The banana can stimulate the function of healthy bacteria and ensure a healthy bowel movement. The fiber content in it is also good for cleaning digestion.

5. Remove Toxins
Bananas contain pectin, a natural substance that has tremendous benefits as detoxifying the body. In addition, if you are the body of toxins, eat a banana as a counterweight.

That's five benefits of bananas for health. Banana is a fruit that is very easy to find, almost all countries around the world must be a banana tree. In addition, the banana is best eaten after you eat.

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