Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Based on the Study, People Narcissist Create Annoyed Surrounding Environment

photo illustration: istock
Psychological - Over time, all around us is increasingly found narcissisti people. People who have a narcissistic trait is not only who likes to take pictures of yourself and upload it on social media, but also fond prides itself on others.

Jennifer Golbeck, a Professor of University of Maryland, USA, revealed in previous studies, are narcissist people often hated by those who knew them. Therefore, these people often speak ill of others to maintain a high opinion of themselves.

However, a new study shows two types of narcissist nature and how the people around them harted towards them. The first is narcissistic types who like to talk about themselves redundant. People who have a narcissisti nature of this type are usually convinced that they are superior and better than others.

The second type is the narcissist nature of the narcissist is threatened. Those with narcissist nature of thus type have a high sense of heart and tends defensive. This type is preferred to isolate themselves from their environment, arrogant, and hostile.

To investigate the experts observed a group of students who know each others. Students nominate people who like and dislike in the group. They can register as many or as people as possible in each category based on their hopes.

As a result, the two types narcissist mentioned above fall into the category of very unpopular, but students are also many hated narcissist peers. However, there are differences among the two types of narcissist, self-inflating liked and hated in the category.

Meanwhile, narcissist types are easily threatened even hated, but not as many as the students who likes to exaggerate them.

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