Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Drinking Coffee in the Morning Can Prevent Heart Attacks

image: istock
Health - Drinking coffee is often associated with various health problems, from heart to premature death. A recent the study tried to uncover. A study found that the some of Americans get more antioxidants from coffee's health benefits. Therefore, the human body absorb better antioxidants from coffee than fruits and vegetables.

Then, whether drinking coffee may cause problems? The study published in the American Heart Association journal Circulation says when drinking two cups of coffee a day helps protect against the risk of heart failure.

"The study found that two cups, or approximately 8 ounces per day reduces the risk of heart failure by 11 recent," said study author Elizabeth Mostofsky, of Beth israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston was reported by News Max Health.

Furthermore, Mostofsky said that if the result of the study is good news for coffee drinkers. The study results also can guarantee the prevention of heart failure at this time. "It now appears that a few cups of coffee per day may actually help protect against heart failure.

If consumed in appropriate doses it would be beneficial for the body, and most importantly, don't drink excessive coffee a day.

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