Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Pineapples Fruit for Health Benefits


Nutrition - Maybe not everybody likes pineapple, don't even know what the benefits contained in the pineapple fruit. Pineapple is a fruit that has proved to be thorns health have the benefits for our body. Generally, eating pineapple with processed into jam and juice. However, to get the properties can be consumed without the need to be processed first. Equal efficacy between treated or not be processed first.

Here some of the benefits of pineapple fruit for health, among others:

1. Prevent Bloating
Have the pineapple bromelain content, substances that help destroy food so as to relieve bloating in the stomach.

2. Prevent Cancer
This fruit also contains carcinogenic, which effectively reduces risk cancer. This substance acts to protect cells in the body from damage.

3. Helps Bone Health
In addition, to the two substances was apparently pineapple also contains minerals, such as calcium and manganese which can maintain bone health and strengthen connective tissue.

4. Prevent Blood Clots
Sweet and sour fruit also serves to prevent blood clot. Pineapple contains copper, if the body lacks this substance, it can lead to anemia, decreased white blood cell count, thyroid problems, and osteoporosis.

5. Against Free Radicals
Poorer pineapple fruit also contains vitamin C which is very high not far from citrus fruits. Vitamin C is an antioxidant that has an important role in protecting the body from free radicals.

In addition, to five of these beneficial, pineapple also have the other benefits, such as:

  • Strengthen gums and teeth, as well as maintain their health
  • Improving the quality of eye sight, because just like a carrot pineapple fruit that contains beta-carotene.
  • Lose weight, because this fruit contains fiber and micronutrie which can give full effect is longer
Well, just now are the benefits of pineapple is not yet widely known by people. If you have the allergy or diabetes, you should first ask for a prescription before consuming pineapple.

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